The Bestseller Club

Hey Bestseller,

Do you feel like you could make more out of your sales? And you’re ready to throw yourself into the game of sales, but somehow you’re holding yourself back? 

Are you not going ALL-In yet?  

Do you tend to give up when something is not working, and do you start doubting whether it could ever work?

Like there is some sales secret everybody seems to know about and you’re missing out on?

In this community, I’m going to share my Bestseller Method with you that will allow you to attract clients faster & easier.

Do you want to determine the HOW and attract more clients than ever?

Welcome to the Bestseller Club

The place to have fun with sales & grow your skills.

In this community, you will learn:

  • How to deal with your inner demons who keep you from selling MASSIVELY
  • The know-how to keep on building your online audience
  • How to do lead generation so hot ready-to-buy leads will fill your pipeline
  • To sell through your own favorite channels
  • How to connect with your ideal client
  • How to do sales calls without being afraid to receive no’s
  • The right skills to write content that pulls people into your world
  • Ways how to stay consistent in your visibility

This Bestseller Club is my Dutch Sales Club

A safe space for you as an online entrepreneur to build the right skills and strengthen your sales muscles. This is the place where you can learn, make mistakes, and pick my brain!

WHY you need the power of a club:

You know a lot about sales & marketing but taking action on a consistent basis is what you REALLY need.

✨ You get easily distracted and the solution to this problem is someone (me😉) who will help you to keep your eyes on the price = selling your biggest 1-1 offer.

✨ You know what you need to do, but you miss accountability + staying motivated to take these actions.

✨ You want to surround yourself with others who share the same goal with you; getting more clients in.

If this is you, then don’t back down now and just join my Bestseller community TODAY.

In my Bestseller community we have 1 goal; creating more sales and making you a Bestseller.

I will offer you roadmaps, masterclasses, trainings, shifts in mindset & energy and live Q&A’s to BLAST you forward in your sales.

"I asked Lotje for help because I had a new service in which I wanted to challenge myself with sales. She gave me great tips. Her quick shifts, good ideas, and easy-to-follow roadmaps are a golden combination."
Mariska van Dijk
Anti-sabotage Mentor

What you’ll get:

  • A monthly live training/workshop in my Facebook Group + recordings
  • A monthly live hotseat coaching call where you can pick my brain and ask anything you’re running up against in building your business
  • A safe space where you meet other ambitious entrepreneurs
  • Everything you need to GET INTO MASSIVE ACTION

Excited to become a Bestseller?

Lotje is a straight-talking, laser-focused business coach. She is no-nonsense and does exactly what she advertises. Had a great experience and would recommend her to any entrepreneur
Eveline Hertzberger
Interim Professional & work pressure killer